Sunburn and Cocoa Butter, Fruit and Yogurt

Written on April 26, 2008 from Kakamega, Kenya
By Anne Olson

My sunburned arms are now peeling! The locals find it interesting; guess they don't experience this. Bought some lotion with cocoa butter and that is helping to keep my skin moist. Haven't been sunburned like this for years and years but guess it is to be expected when spending a day on the water at the equator. I DID use 30 weight sunscreen and applied it a number of times during the day. Now I wear a long-sleeved shirt when I go out to protect that tender new skin that is being exposed.

I went in to the office today to get some quiet time for working on QuickBooks, the accounting program that I am training someone to use. The fact is that I am figuring it out as I go and had a few more things to figure out. Now I need to train on the new things and document what I know. I also got my bills paid for May. The good news was that the internet was working and there was electricity (neither can be taken for granted here!). I will probably go back tomorrow for a few hours again.

After my time in the office, I went to town to the market to buy some fruit to have in my room – little sweet bananas (I call them baby bananas because they are about the size of my thumb) and mangos. We usually have a late lunch (2 or 3pm) so I'm not hungry for dinner. So I just have some fruit and some yogurt in the evening. It works well for me. I also found someone selling roasted ground nuts (like peanuts) on my walk home from the market so I got some of them for a snack this afternoon.

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